
  • Public Relations department brings out various civic publications viz., Civic Guide, Civic Diary, Calendars, Know Your Ward, List of Municipal Councillors & Officers, Diary, Pictorial Posters, folders, brochures and informative booklets etc.
  • Tender Publication
  • Making Documentary related BBMP

Press Notes:

        The press notes pertaining to the civic amenities provided by BBMP, information on the ongoing civic projects & various activities, the information generated by different departments and also programmes of Office bearers & Senior Officers is disseminated to Media on a day to day basis.

Photography and Videography:

        This Department covers almost all important photos and videos of events and functions with photographers and videographers. Various types of photographs distributed to the media for giving wide publicity to civic functions, services and projects.


        The publicity work of all the BBMP advertisements, which are full with civic information and awakening, is also taken up by this Department and the policy decisions regarding advertising are taken. The entire streamlining of advertising work with various departments of the BBMP is done by this department. Besides, efforts are made to develop rapport with publicity media, Newspapers, Radio and Advertising Agencies.

Clarifications to Newspapers:

        Apart from news items, this department gives clarifications to newspapers and helps to publish reports, scoops either on routine municipal proceedings or about civic services. In such cases, this department prepared & released replies or clarifications to concerned newspapers about the published matter which gets open publicity. This exercise by the department enlightens & tries to enhance image of Municipal Corporation which is battered by misleading report.

Electronic and Social Media:

        One of the impressive and faster tool to maintain public relations in the current highly technovated era is Social Media which is competing with Publicity Media. Taking this into consideration, this new tool is also exercised. As a part of this, the department has launched account with the leading Social Media in the world “Facebook/Twitter” viz namely BBMP commissioner and BBMP Mayor.

        Apart from traditional print media, this department is also concentrating on electronic media and fm radio channels to disseminate daily information, publicity and propaganda campaigns, advertisements etc., resulting in rapid public relations.

Clipping Files:

        News / views, criticism about municipal working are published in print media or broadcast on the air. After collection of such information clipping files are prepared and sent to Concerned Departments for their information and necessary action to be taken. To minimize the use of paper and speed up the process, the clippings are scanned and forwarded via e-mail or whats up.

Public Grievances:

        While making awake the citizens about the civic services rendered, this department attended to a number of public grievances received in writing. Whenever any citizen comes in person, he is given prompt attention and proper guidance and information related to all BBMP departments.

Celebration of National Festivals:

        Public Relations Department celebrates Nadaprabhu Kempegowda Jayanthi and National Festivals like Ambedkar Jayanthi, Independence Day, Republic Day, Gandhi jayanthi, etc.