eGovernance Application Development

One of the major strengths of BBMP IT lies in the area of producing quality software at low cost . Since BBMP IT is working at the grass root levels of the development administration, its expertise is not limited only to software engineering but also lies in the area of implementing it in various sectors of the economy. Thus it possesses Domain expertise as much as expertise in the field of software development, a fact that provides BBMP IT with a solid foundation in the Software Development Process. The various Departments as well as State Centres of BBMP IT are constantly in the pursuit of developing state-of-the-art application software which is customized to the users needs. These Application software packages are completely indigenous and user friendly and are intended to bring the benefits of the latest advancements in IT to the Government’s doorsteps.
Data Center

Salient Features of BBMP IT Data Centre, Karnataka.
- 24x7 monitoring of data center and customer servers/services
- State of art internet security and physical security
- Internet bandwidth of 10 GBPS through multiple service providers
- UPS Power with redundancy and Backup Diesel Generator
- Busbar trunking system for power distribution to Server racks
- Precision Air Conditioning System
- Underfloor air distribution for Cooling
- Overhead cable trays for cabling
- End of Row design for providing network connectivity to the servers
- Secure firewall and Intrusion Detection Systems
- Number of Rack mount and Blade Servers
- Server Virtualization
- SAN storage with 63TB raw capacity
- ATL (Automated Tape Library) for Backup
- LAN Switches and Fiber Switches
- Application Load Balancer
Network Services

BBMP IT Is providing network backbone for the BBMP, all departments, and bbmp offices in all zones and wards bringing improvement in all government services and wider transparency .
- Leased Line
- Wi-Fi
- Internet Access
- Anti Virus
- OS Patch Management
Webdesign & Hosting

WWW is the e-Face of an organization. BBMP IT designs, develops, hosts and maintains web applications using state-of-the-art technology and gives a highly aesthetic web presence. BBMP IT acts as a catalyst for the Organisations to maintain up-to-date content on their websites by providing necessary support for easy updation mechanism.The design lab at BBMP IT is well equipped with state-of-the-art infrastructure including workstations powered with latest tools and technologies useful for designing, developing and deploying multimedia and web applications. This Lab is a perfect blend of finest professional talent in the fields of content development, Graphics/ navigation design, Multimedia/ web authoring and programming. The professionals have been well trained on the latest tools and technologies in their respective areas of work
BBMP IT, Bengaluru has so far hosted are more than more websites. For further details of the sites hosted by BBMP IT, please visit Projects
E-Mail Service

Mails are accepted and sent in BBMP IT from a single entry point i.e. via the SMTP gateways. Once a mail is accepted in the network, based on its address, it is routed to the recipient server. Messaging services constitute one of the primary applications deployed across the network. Each network connected to the Internet has a Domain Name associated with it, to ensure email and other traffic getting directed to the right recipient.
Video Conferencing Services

BBMP IT is providing best Video Conferencing services. Presently services are available from all zonal and ward offices over BBMP ITNET spread across the country including all departments. High Definition Video Conferencing facilities with state of art technology are provided in all BBMP IT locations. Videoconferencing services are being used for monitoring of various Government Projects, Schemes, Public Grievances, Monitoring of Law and Order, Hearings of RTI cases, Distance Education, Tele-Medicine, monitoring of Election processes, Launching of new schemes and so on. BBMP IT's VC services are regularly being used by Hon'ble President of India, Hon'ble Prime Minister, Chief Ministers of various states, Cabinet Secretary and Chief Secretaries, Chief Information commissioner, Central and State Government Ministers and department Officials across country at all levels.