Jakkur Lake is an example of collective action-the implementation of a node for social and scientific innovation to help improve the lake ecosystem and social relations among stakeholders.
Jakkur Lake is one of the largest lakes in the grid of man-made lakes in the city and is located in the north eastern part of Bengaluru. Unplanned development in the area surrounding the lake had led to solid waste filling its feeder channels. This choked the natural watershed so much that the lake resembled a dumping yard.
Jakkur Lake interestingly has a very well designed wetland system. According to the USEPA, a wetland is a complex assemblage of water, substrate, plants(Vascular and algae), litter (primarily fallen plant material), invertebrates and an array of micro-organisms( most importantly bacteria).
Total Area
160 Acres (6,47,497sqm) -
Total Water Spread Area
139 Acres (5,62,513 sqm) -
Average Depth Of Lake
9.8 feet (3m)
Key Interventions at Jakkur Lake

- Desilting
- Dewatering
- Construction of bunds and pathways
- Boundary demarcation and fencing of the lake

- Creation of constructed wetland system
- Diversion of treated wastewater from jakkur STP through constructed wetlands into the lakes
- construction of Sendimentation Trap

- Vanmahotsav for tree plantation and increasing the interaction of the residents with the lake
- Bird Watching and Tree Tagging
- Bifucation of community and conservation zone with the lake premises

- Harvesting plants in the constructed wetland
Jakkur Lake Series
Jakkur Lake receives water from the eastern, western and northern side.
- Eastern Side
- Western Side
- Northern Side
- Outlet
The water flows in through Tirumunahalli, Agrahara and then Chobandanahalli and finally enters the Jakkur Lake
The water flows in through the Shivanahalli Lake
Water Flows in through Attur, Puttenahalli, Allasandra, Yelahanka,Kogilu and then finally enters into Jakkur.
The overflow from jakkur lake feeds the downstream lake of Rachenahalli and Nagawara Lake.