Animal Husbandry

The Animal Husbandry department plays the major role in the bengaluru city for the management of Stray dogs and maintenance of City Meat Production and Processing Center, Supervision of Mutton, Fish, Chicken, Egg, Shops, etc, Cold Storages, different shops for cleanliness and hygiene.

The department is undertaking various developmental activities like

  • Implementation of Animal Birth Control Programme for Stray Dogs and Anti-Rabies Vaccination Programme.
  • Maintenance of CITY Meat Production and Processing Centre (MPPC) Usmankhan Road.
  • Maintenance of CIVIL Meat Production and Processing Centre (MPPC) Tannery Road.
  • Maintenance of CIVIL Meat Production and Processing Centre (MPPC) Pottery Road and Ante-Mortem & Post Mortem Examinations of animals.
  • Supervision of Mutton, Fish, Chicken, Egg, Shops, etc, Cold Storages, different shops for cleanliness and hygiene.
  • Controlling of Street cattle and maintenance of Cattle pound.
  • Controlling of Stray Pigs.
  • Issue of License to Pet Dogs.
  • Issue of License and Renewal of license to Mutton, Fish, Chicken, Egg, Shops, etc, Cold Storages, different shops and attending other duties and            responsibilities as directed by the Commissioner, BBMP.