BBMP IT Services
  • September 19, 2019
  • IT Admin

Online Trade License System (OTLS)


BBMP’s online trade license system (OTLS) was developed for registration of new trade licenses and renewal of existing trade licenses. OTLS allows citizens to pay trade license tax through online or demand draft or cheque or cash (if trade fee is less than INR 1000) at bank or MoH office. Online trade license system captures details such as applicant’s trade type, trade name, property type, applicant name, mobile number, ward, MLA constituency etc. OTLS also categorizes trade details under major, minor and sub trade categories.

OTLS allows applicants to declare compliance to zonal regulations as defined by city development plan-2015 issued by Bengaluru development authority. BBMP officials carry out field level inspection to verify compliance. OTLS provides role based assess to BBMP users for online approvals. BBMP officials also have access to the details such as trade license tax collection and fee pending through MIS reports. This application has helped BBMP in improving efficiency in assessing expected revenue collection and information on defaulters.

OTLS application has following processes defined which are captured in the next section

  • New trade license approval.
  • Renewal of trade licenses.

Closure of business is also a process in OTLS application. Workflow has not been defined in the application and hence not captured.

User level User description Process
Level 1 Medical Officer of Health (MoH) Responsible for file initiation, inspection and forwarding application to higher authority
Level 2 Deputy Health Officer (DHO) Responsible for verification and forwarding application to higher authority
Level 3 Health Officer (HO) Responsible for verification and forwarding application to higher authority
Level 4 Joint Commissioner (JC) Office Final approving authority. JC at BBMP has joint responsibility of health and solid waste management (SWM).

Application Workflow
Trade License Work Flow – New and Renewals
  • OTLS’s new trade license process captures details such as applicant’s trade type, trade name, property type, applicant name, mobile number, ward,
            MLA constituency etc. OTLS also categorizes trade details under major minor and sub trade categories.
  • OTLS allows applicants to declare compliance to zonal regulations as defined by city development plan 2015 issued by BDA. BBMP officials carry
            out field level inspection to verify compliance.
  • Trade license renewal process follows the same process flow of new trade license and the only difference is that the citizen has to key-in his
            previous application number and proceed for payment.
Detailed Process Workflow
  Process Name   Sub Process / Description Validation by Internal / External Users Output Document
New License Application
– Enter details of trade.
1. Citizen has to agree to BBMP terms and conditions displayed on website before applying for trade license
2. Enter application details such as applicant representing as, trade type, trade name, property type, applicant name, mobile number, ward, MLA constituency etc. 3. Select trade like major, minor and sub trade details, select jurisdiction health officer, zone classifications and compounded fee 4. Upload following mandatory/necessary scanned documents 5. Get temporary application number for payment processing
Medical Officer of Health (MoH) / Deputy Health Officer (DHO) Temporary application number  – Payment challan
Renewal of Trade License Application
Enter previous year application number
Here the user needs to enter the application number and proceed for the below mentioned processes    
Payment Online: Select payment gateway and click on proceed for payment button.   Banks with integrated payment gateways process payments. Acknowledgement copy.
Payment Offline Payment: Bank/MOH office: In case of offline mode click on save and pay later at bank/MOH office Offline payment done through DD / Cash Application Form and payment challan receipt

Processing of Application

Site Inspection And Document Verification Approve / Return Health Inspector (MoH) Proceed to DHO
consideration or return application to level below
Document verification stage 1 Approve / Return DHO Proceed to health officer (HO) consideration or return application to level below
Document Verification stage 2 Approve / Return Health Officer (HO) Proceed to Joint Additional Commissioner or return application to level below
Final Approval and Issue of License User can download the approved license copy from website or case worker / MoH can issue the license to citizen   User can check status of application through online Case worker and MoH Trade License

Process Escalation Matrix for Grievance Redressal System

OTLS is linked to SAKALA – Grievance redressal system and the timeline for grievance redressal is mentioned below.

1 MoH, constituency wise Approve / Reject 30 Days
2 Health Officer (HO) Approve / Reject 15 Days
3 Zonal – JC – Joint Commissioner Forward /Object 30 Days