BBMP IT Services
  • September 26, 2019
  • IT Admin

Multi-Agency Road Cutting Co-ordination System (MARCS)


Online road cutting permission system is another application that addresses specific requests of road cutting by public for waterline, electrical and sanitary.

Multi-Agency road cutting coordination system (MARCS) is a multi-agency system which helps in smoother coordination of road restoration works after laying of utilities by agencies such as BESCOM, BWSSB etc.

Stakeholder and User Mapping

Following stakeholders are involved in this application:

  • BBMP accounts department
  • BBMP engineering department
  • Telecom service providers (TSP)/ Network service providers (NSP) or any citizens

Application Workflow

  • Road cutting permission form is submitted by NSP/TSP
  • Verification is done by AEE : details of road length, surface type of road, cost of restoration of road, purpose of road cutting are verified by the AEE
  • Cost estimation for restoration of road is a done following a standard rate
  • Each approval has a validity period within which the road has to be dug-up, OFC laid and road has to be restored, failing which penalties are imposed on the applicant
  • Demand note generation: Once the AEE approves the permission for road cutting after due verification and site inspection, a demand not for amount to be paid is generated. This can be paid by the applicant over the counter at bank or online using a BBMP user log-in
  • Permission note to carry out the road cutting is generated once the applicant pays the amount specified in demand note
  • Upon work completion, a field inspector in this case – AEE – inspects the location for road restoration and successful completion of work
  • Once the work is completed and successfully verified by AEE, performance bank guarantee is released to the applicant